Are You Over It?
What does it mean to “get over something”? After enduring a difficult situation, how do we know if we’ve processed […]
What do I do when I can’t seem to get over my grief?
How do I make sense of God’s promises of protection when bad things happen in my life?
How do you help someone who is terminally ill and afraid of the dying process?
How do we think biblically about the need for closure?
Counseling people after natural disasters
On this episode, Andrew Ray talks with Mike Emlet at Tim Lane about how to counsel those in the aftermath […]
How can I heal after having an abortion?
Grief: Finding Hope Again
Grieving a Suicide: Help for the Aftershock
A Christian perspective on grief
On this podcast, David Powlison discusses a Christian perspective on Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ five stages of grief. While Kubler-Ross provides a […]