This week CCEF explores the academy award winning film Silver Linings Playbook. The movie captures the real, gritty lives of two people: Pat Solatano and Tiffany Maxwell. Pat lost everything—his wife, his house, his job—and has recently left a psychiatric hospital. Tiffany’s husband died not long ago and she is haunted with grief and guilt. As Pat and Tiffany begin a friendship together, they test the question: does life really have a silver lining?
Why talk about a movie? As believers we want to meaningfully engage in our culture’s unique art forms. And this movie in particular lends itself to a rich discussion about issues like mental health, relationships and family ties. That said, please be advised that the film is rated R and contains profanity and some nudity. Read a parent’s guide to the film here, and please be aware of who is in the room when you listen.
Bradley Cooper as Pat
Jennifer Lawrence as Tiffany
Robert De Niro as Pat Sr.
Jacki Weaver as Dolores
Chris Tucker as Danny