How do we make sense out of all that we hear in counseling? How do we understand what the Bible says to the drama of a particular moment in a person’s life? Every form of counseling gathers data about a person. And all data gathering needs interpretation to make it worthwhile. It’s the interpretation of the things we get to know about a person that shapes what we say and do in ministry to another. In this two part series, Paul Tripp invites us to think of ministry as a bridge that connects the shore of the Truth of the word of God and the shore of the truths about this person’s reality.

This audio is from the School of Biblical Counseling version of Helping Relationships taught by Paul Tripp. This class is designed to focus on the person who is counseling, the process of counseling, and the critical skills necessary to effect change. It focuses on how to bring the person and work of the Redeemer to people in the midst of their problems.

This is part one of a two part series. Click here to listen to part 2.

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