The Journal of Biblical Counseling is published three times a year. Individual subscriptions are available in digital and print formats. They include all issues for the calendar year. All subscriptions “auto-renew” at checkout to automatically keep up with new issues each year. Subscribers will receive new issues automatically in their preferred format.
We also provide institutional subscriptions. These are print subscriptions and their license includes permission to share the volumes among a local community such as pastors and members of a local church, or students and faculty at a seminary or university library. Educational institutions may also choose to purchase a print subscription through EBSCO.
JBC Archive Now Included with Individual Subscriptions
CCEF is pleased to announce that the JBC Archive is now available for all Individual Subscriptions! The Archive, which includes all previous issues (over 1,100 articles) is now digital, fully-searchable, and integrated into our website. With the online Archive, new issues will be set up automatically in the upgraded format and become part of the Archive immediately. All articles will also be linked to other relevant content on the CCEF website.
Individual Subscription Options
(for personal use only)
Individual Digital Subscription (with Archive)
$21 per yearIndividual Print Subscription (with Archive)
$36 per year Print Subscription(International) $42 per year
Institutional Subscription Options
Institutional Print (no Archive access)
$52 per year $55 per yearCCEF does not offer Institutional digital access through our website. However, an online searchable version, including all back issues, is available to institutions through the American Theological Library Association’s ATLAS PLUS product available through EBSCOhost.
Academic institutions and libraries are encouraged to subscribe through a print subscription management service such as EBSCO.