Sample Lecture
Course Description
Who am I? Who are we? This is a practical theology course examining Scripture’s unfolding answer to personal identity and corporate humanity. This course will give you a theological framework for understanding yourself and those around you so that you may know people better and help more effectively.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Demonstrate understanding of important concepts in the theology of the person (e.g., image of God, embodied soul, etc.)—both what they are (definitionally) and where you find them as patterns in Scripture.
- Demonstrate ability to apply those theological concepts in both personal and ministry contexts. Demonstrate how the concepts make a concrete difference in counseling–both in how you understand the person and their struggles and how you would help (methodology). Be able to identify 3–5 concrete applications from each biblical theological category (i.e., creation, fall, rescue/resurrection) in life issues and struggles.