Customer Service FAQs

We hope you find the information below helpful. If you are unable to locate an answer to your specific question, feel free to email us at and we would be happy to assist you.

Resource Questions

My subscription includes the online JBC Archive, but the website is asking me to pay for an article. Expand

Please make sure you are logged in to your CCEF user account. If you visit our website without logging in, our system has no way to tell that you are an active subscriber. You can access your JBC Archive online using the steps below:

  • Visit and click on “Login” (upper right corner of the page).
  • Enter in the email and password you used to make your purchase.
  • Once logged in, click on your name and then select “JBC Archive” (upper right hand corner of the page).

While you are logged in, any article landing pages on the main website will redirect you to your JBC Archive in your CCEF user account.

I just purchased digital content, how do I access it? Expand

Digital downloads can be accessed through your CCEF user account.

  • Visit and click on “Login” (upper right corner of the page).
  • Enter in the email and password you used to make your purchase.
  • Once logged in, click on your name and then select “Files/Downloads” (upper right hand corner of the page).
  • In the Files/Downloads section, navigate to the resource you are looking for and click the green download button to begin your download.
I made a digital purchase and am getting an error when I try to download content. Expand

If your product is either inaccessible or not opening properly, we first suggest that you try to download the resource directly from your CCEF user account (login in to your CCEF account and look under the Files/Downloads tab for download links). This will often fix most download problems.

You may encounter download issues if you attempt to download content onto an iPhone or iPad. Many of the files are .zip files and will not automatically open on an Apple device. To solve the issue, access the download link on a laptop or desktop computer and then transfer the files to your mobile device or tablet.

The system may encounter difficulty with purchases made from users in other time-zones or overseas. If you encounter an Amazon server error (see error image below), simply re-try the download link the following day. Oftentimes, these errors occur when the link is clicked shortly after purchase and resolve themselves within 24 hours.


I’m getting an error from Adobe when attempting to open my download. Expand

Some .zip file downloads contain two folders, one for Mac users (_MACOSX) and one for PC users. If you attempt to open a file from the Mac folder and are using a PC, you may see the following error

To fix this issue, simply return to the folder list and open the files in the other folder (example shown below)

How can I access my audio and zip files on my iPhone, iPad or smaller device? Expand

You will not be able to download audio or zip files (such as a full JBC issue) directly to a smaller device such as an iPhone or iPad. You must first download and unzip your files on a desktop or laptop computer and then you can transfer your files to your smaller device.

For more detailed instructions, please click here.

I have a coupon code. How do I apply it to my order? Expand

At checkout in your Shopping Cart you will see a field where you may enter your coupon code.

Once you have typed in your coupon code, click “Apply Coupon.” A banner will appear that says “Coupon code applied successfully.”


How do I search the JBC Archive? Expand

For a brief introduction to the new online JBC Archive, click here.

For a step-by-step guide on searching in the older version of the JBC Archive, click here.

  • Windows computers search only what is currently in view based on the folder structure the customer sees, so your search will be more fruitful if you open a specific Volume of the JBC and then search for your topic of interest in the search bar.
  • We suggest using the Excel Index that is listed at the bottom of the file list, then click the “find and search icon” to search the document by topic in order to find an article reference that might discuss that topic.
  • Otherwise, the best option for windows users, is to use the search button on the CCEF website, where you can enter the topic of interest, find the JBC articles that reference this topic in the “search results”, and then take the Volume and Issue numbers provided to return to archive on “my computer” to locate the article.
  • Mac computers will search the complete folder by topic from the search bar
  • Any PDF Reader will open these Archive files
    • For Windows, the standard is Adobe Reader
    • For Mac, the standard is Preview (short-cut: click on/highlight article file, then press space bar to view, press space bar again to exit/minimize)
How do I download audio from my CCEF user account? Expand

If you purchased individual sessions:

  • After purchasing your download you’ll be brought to an “Order Completion Page”
  • To access your files click on the “Download” link to start your product download.
  • Alternately, you can click on your name on the menu bar and select “Downloads” from the drop-down menu. On the “Files/Downloads” page, locate the resource you wish to download and click the “Download” link to start your product download.

If you’re on a Mac:

  • Open up “Finder”
  • Check your “Downloads” folder
  • Double click on your file and then it should open up in iTunes

If you’re on a PC:

  • Open up “My Computer”
  • Open your “Downloads” folder
  • Right click on the file and open it up in Windows Media Player (or iTunes is you use that media player)
  • If you would like to listen to it on an iPad, iPhone or iPod, you are still going to have to complete the steps above on a computer and then sync your iPad to your iTunes library.
  • Once you have moved your download to iTunes, then you can plug your iPad, iPhone, or iPod into your computer’s USB drive.
  • After you adjust the syncing options in iTunes to your specific device, then you will be able to click “Sync” and your audio will be transferred over.

If you purchased the Zipped conference audio files:

If you’re on a Mac:

  • Open up “Finder”
  • Check your “Downloads” folder
  • Double click on the zipped file and then it should automatically unzip the folder.
  • Hover over the folder, click to pick it up, and then drop it into the iTunes application.

If you’re on a PC:

  • Open up “My Computer”
  • Open your “Downloads” folder
  • Right click on the unzipped file and choose “unzip”.
  • Right click on the unzipped folder and open it up in Windows Media Player (or iTunes if you use it)

If you would like to listen to it on an iPad or iPod, you are still going to have to complete the steps above on a computer and then sync your iPad to your iTunes library.

How do I download JBC articles from my CCEF user account? Expand

How to access articles:

Individual articles

  • After purchasing your download you’ll be brought to an “Order Completion Page”
  • To access your files click on the “Download” link to start your product download.
  • Alternately, you can click on your name on the menu bar and select “Downloads” from the drop-down menu. On the “Files/Downloads” page, locate the resource you wish to download and click the “Download” link to start your product download.

If you’re on a Mac:

    • Open up “Finder”
    • Check your “Downloads” folder
    • Double click on your file and then it should open up in Preview

If you’re on a PC:

    • Open up “My Computer”
    • Open your “Downloads” folder
    • Right click on the file and open it up in Adobe Reader (if you don’t have Adobe reader then you can download it for free here)

Zipped articles

If you’re on a Mac:

    • Open up “Finder”
    • Check your “Downloads” folder
    • Double click on the zipped file and then it should automatically unzip the folder.
    • Double click on your file and then it should open up in Preview

If you’re on a PC:

    • Open up “My Computer”
    • Open your “Downloads” folder
    • Right click on the unzipped file and choose “unzip”.
    • Right click on the file and open it up in Adobe Reader (if you don’t have Adobe reader then you can download it for free here)
    • If you would like to read your articles on an iPad, then you will still need to complete the steps above on a computer. You will also have to download a third party app.
    • The iPad itself does not have a pdf viewer but there are ways around this through free third party apps such as Dropbox. You can find more information by clicking on the link.
    • You will be able to upload your articles from your computer to the online Dropbox website.
    • Then you will be able to access the article through the iPad app.
I’m trying to find a resource on a specific topic, but nothing is coming up – Help! Expand

Searching for resources on very specific topics can oftentimes lead to disappointing results. Individuals come to our website wanting to know if we have a resource on a very specific issue (such as “Oppositional Defiant Disorder,” “Borderline Personality Disorder” or various forms of “Trauma”).

Oftentimes, they’re disappointed to see only a handful of resources. However, CCEF has produced a large amount of content on issues that may still be helpful even if you can’t find a resource on a specific topic.

For example, PTSD is classified as an anxiety disorder. Although we have a handful of resources with the word “PTSD” in them, you may also wish to search for “Anxiety” (which will yield many more results and applicable content). For example, David Powlison created an audio talk titled Gripping Fears that could be applicable to someone with PTSD, but won’t show up in a search of “PTSD” on our website. Or, if you can’t find content on “Trauma,” consider the broader category of “Suffering.”

Consider these suggestions when doing a search on our website to improve your results:

  1. Type out an alternate spelling, full name or acronym for your desired topic.
    • For example, instead of typing “BPD,” consider typing “Borderline Personality Disorder.”
  2. Does the specific issue you are searching for fall under a broader category?
    • For example, instead of searching for “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” try “Psychiatric Disorders.” Instead of “Trauma,” try “Suffering.”
  3. Consider browsing all resources and filtering by specific topics (see below):

1.) Click the “Search” button on the CCEF homepage.

2.) Select “Browse All Resources

3.) Click the “Browse by” drop-down and either search for or select a topic.

Although your specific term may not be used in a CCEF resource, the concept may be included in a wide variety of CCEF resources. Feel free to email Customer Service if you need help in locating specific content!

What should I do if my payment was declined? Expand

Here are steps you can take to resolve payment issues:

  • Verify the payment information entered on your order. Did your billing address change recently or did you get a new card with a new expiration date?
  • Contact your bank about payment security policies. Your bank may flag any unexpected activity on your account. This includes first-time orders and high-value purchases, regardless of the amount of funds available or credit limit. Your bank may require your verbal authorization to proceed with a transaction.
  • Contact your bank about daily withdrawal or purchase limits. Most banks have limits on how much money can be charged or accessed in a single day. If you exceed this daily amount, your bank may block your account from any further activity regardless of available funds in the account. Your bank may require you to request a higher purchase limit to complete the transaction.
  • Contact your bank about payment authorizations and reserved funds. If your payment is declining due to lack of available funds, contact your bank to confirm if the reserved funds are authorizations, verify the amount of time they hold authorizations, and request that they remove any extra authorization to free up funds in your account.
  • Verify the payment information entered on your order. Did your billing address change recently or did you get a new card with a new expiration date?
  • Submit an alternate payment method for your order. If you are unable to resolve the payment issue with your bank in a timely manner, you are always welcome to change the payment method on your order to another card.

User Account Questions

How do I create a personal user account? Expand
  • Go to and click on “Login” at the upper right of the page.
    • If on a mobile device, the “Login” button may be under the “Menu” section on the upper left-hand side of the screen.
  • Click “Create an Account” and enter in your information. Click “Submit” when finished.
  • Click on “My Account” at the upper right of the page to access your account.
  • You may place any orders while logged into your new user account.
How do I access my CCEF user account? Expand
  • Go to and click on “Login” at the upper right of the page.
  • Enter your user name and password.
  • Click the green “Log In” bubble.
  • Click on your name and select “My Profile” at the upper right of the page.
  • Once in your account, you will see options for the different sections you can access in your account.
I forgot my password for my CCEF user account. Expand
  • Visit Click “Login” (upper right corner of the page) and then click on the “Forgot Your Password?” link below the password field, enter your email and select “Reset Password.” An email will be sent to you with instructions for resetting your password.

How can I change my billing or shipping address? Expand
  • Log in at
  • Click your name and select “My Profile” in the upper right corner of the page.
  • In your account, click on the “Profile/Address” section.
  • On the right of your profile, you will see your addresses listed with an “Edit” option by your Billing Address and Shipping Address. Simply click the Edit option for the address you would like to change.
  • When finished, click “Save Address” at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.
How can I change my credit card information for my donation or subscription? Expand

For JBC Subscriptions:

  • Log in at
  • Click your name and select “My Profile” in the upper right corner of the page.
  • In your account, click on the “JBC Subscriptions” menu.
  • Click on “Change Payment” to the right of your JBC Subscription.
  • In the credit card section select “Use a new payment method” and enter in your new credit card info.
  • Click “Change Payment Method” to save your changes.
  • Note: If you only have one credit card on file for a recurring donation or subscription, you will not be able to delete it until a new card is added.

For Donations:

  • Log in at
  • Click your name and select “My Profile” in the upper right corner of the page.
  • In your account, click on the “Donations” menu.
  • Click on “Change Payment” to the right of your recurring donation.
  • In the credit card section select “Use a new payment method” and enter in your new credit card info.
  • Click “Change Payment Method” to save your changes.
  • Note: If you only have one credit card on file for a recurring donation or subscription, you will not be able to delete it until a new card is added.

Journal of Biblical Counseling (JBC) Subscription Questions

How many issues does a JBC subscription include and when can I expect them? Expand

You will receive 3 issues each year that your JBC subscription is active. Our JBC operates on a rolling subscription. When you purchase a JBC subscription, you will receive the current JBC issue plus the next two issues for that cycle.

The JBC is released by the end of April, end of August, and end of December each year. Subscribers will receive email notifications when their new issue of the JBC is available or has shipped (in the case of print subscribers).

Can I switch my JBC subscription format (from print to digital or digital to print) after I purchase it? Expand

Our Print and Digital subscriptions are sold separately and are non-transferable. In order to “switch” subscription types, you will need to cancel one and purchase the other (see cancellation instructions below).

For individual subscribers, it is possible to have both Print and Digital access at the same time. You will find our subscription options here.

How can I cancel my JBC subscription? Expand
  • Log in at
  • Click “My Account” in the upper right corner of the page.
  • In your account, click on the “JBC Subscriptions” tab.
  • Click on “Cancel” to the right of your JBC Subscription.
  • Once your subscription is canceled you will not receive any further issues.
How can I submit an article for the Journal of Biblical Counseling? Expand

Submissions to the Journal of Biblical Counseling are welcome. If you would like to submit an article for review, please follow the instructions here.

May I share a JBC article? Expand

According to our policy, you may share a single article in a one-on-one context up to 20 times.

If you exceed 20 shares, or if you would like to share an article in a teaching or group setting, please fill out a Permissions Form.

Departmental Questions

I have a question about my School of Biblical Counseling (SBC) course or SBC registration. Expand

Please contact SBC Student Services directly at

How can I request a course record from SBC? Expand

Course records are available at a cost of $10 each. You may submit a course record request here.

Do you know of a counselor in my local area? Expand

Please our Find a Counselor Near You page to view a map of potential contacts in your area.

How may I request a counseling appointment at your Glenside, PA office? Expand

To request an appointment at our Glenside, PA office please visit our Intake Portal page and complete the requested information. Someone will be in touch with you to discuss availability.

Does CCEF offer distance/remote counseling? Expand

Our counselors are not able to offer distance/remote counseling at this time. However, we have a short list of counseling contacts that do offer this option.

Please our Find a Counselor Near You page to view a map of potential contacts in your area. Some counselors on the map offer distance counseling options (click on the map pins to see if a given counselor offers distance counseling).

How can I request a CCEF speaker for my upcoming event? Expand

Please complete our Speaker Request Form to the best of your abilities. Once you have submitted the form, our Events Team will evaluate your request and determine if we are able to meet your speaker needs and if we have the faculty or staff available during the time frame you desire.

After receiving your form, our Events Team will contact you within 1-2 weeks to discuss your submission.

May I post my content on the CCEF website or social media channels? Expand

Our website and social media channels host books and content that are written or produced only by our faculty and staff.

While we know there are many other wonderful works available, we are unable to vet everything in the marketplace and find it wisest to maintain our mission by hosting only those resources authored by our faculty, staff and invited writers.

Other Questions

I have questions about your minibooks. Expand

We do not sell or distribute the minibooks from our Glenside office, however, there are a number of purchasing options available to you through our publishers and distributors. We encourage you to reach out to them directly with questions:

New Growth Press

  • Phone: (336) 378-7775 or Email:
  • Display Units: Display units can be purchased through New Growth for a variety of display needs.
  • Discounts: New Growth also offers discounts for a variety of ministry settings (churches and ministries, military personnel and military chaplains). Please see the “Discounts” section of their contact page.

P & R Publishing

  • Phone: (800) 631-0094 or Email:

Westminster Bookstore

  • Phone: (888) WTSBOOK or Email:
  • Titles: You can purchase individual titles or bulk quantities of minibooks through WTS Bookstore.
  • You can also view sample excerpts from minibooks by clicking on the individual minibook and selecting the Sample button.
  • Display Units: Display units for 25 books can be purchased through WTS Bookstore.


How can I sign up for your weekly CCEF email? Expand

You may sign up for our weekly CCEF eNews at the bottom of any page on the CCEF website, Once you have typed in your email address, click Submit. The sign up will look like this:

Have questions that aren’t answere here? Feel free to email us at