Celebrating 50 Years

Welcome to this special anniversary edition of our magazine CCEF Now & Then. This year marks 50 years of ministry for the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation.

In this issue some of the articles look back to how CCEF started- the foundations on which we were built. Other articles capture our cutting edge-how we are growing and where we are going. As a team we have spent time over the last year reflecting on key passages of Scripture that are foundational to our work. A selection of these passages is sprinkled throughout this issue, along with reflections from different men and women about why the passage is foundational.

We who are committed to biblical counseling ministry, at CCEF and elsewhere, have come a long way. Scripture’s wisdom and grace for counseling has been freely given by the Holy Spirit. And we have a long way to go still. Wisdom and grace for counseling must become embodied in people and in practice. That process must be renewed in every generation.

I would be remiss if I did not remember and thank the many men and women who have given of themselves and used their gifts here since 1968. These men and women-counselees, counselors, faculty, staff, students, donors, readers, board members-created our past and continue to make us what we are today. You, the readers of this magazine, are foundational to our work. A better way to put it is, what we do with you. Our mission is fulfilled when Christians have wise conversations about things that really matter, with the Lord and with one another.

On behalf of everyone who has, who is, and who will serve the Lord through the ministry of CCEF, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. May Jesus Christ be praised!

-David Powlison, Executive Director

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