who are being remade
into the image of Jesus,
we are called to enter people’s
lives in ways that echo his incarnational love.”
-Lauren Whitman
A Biblical Counseling Process

A Letter from the Executive Director
Dear friends,
2021 was an exciting year at CCEF, full of both growth and the new challenges that come with it. We significantly adjusted our organizational structure and hired a number of new employees to make it sustainable. We doubled down on our overhaul of the School of Biblical Counseling to more effectively equip pastors, vocational counselors, and lay leaders. We offered a well-attended, first ever virtual conference specifically for weary pastors. And that’s not to mention all the existing initiatives we’ve pushed forward (the Journal of Biblical Counseling, our podcast, the national conference, counseling, writing books, etc.).
As we’ve stepped into these opportunities, we’ve taken on greater burdens. We’ve increased our budget and ramped up infrastructure like human resources and student services to improve our working rhythms and fruitfulness. We’re revising and strengthening our employee review processes. We’ve asked faculty to tackle an even greater range of responsibilities.
Amidst this growth and change, God has been kindly providing for us. From the donations of his people, to a richly orienting and team-building directors’ retreat, to a seamless transition to a hybrid national conference, he has never left us nor forsaken us, individually or corporately.
The Lord is using you to care for us and make CCEF’s mission possible. Thank you for partnering with us.

Executive Director
New Digital JBC Archive!

Archive Issues
“Biblical counseling has transformed my relationships, my walk with God, and my own vision for my life. I have grown in Christ as I’ve grown towards loving people well.”
-JBC Subscriber
“I have found so many JBC articles helpful in both my own personal growth as a believer and in the counseling opportunities I have.”
-JBC Subscriber

Blogs Read

“Am I Responsible for My Husband’s Sexual Sin?” by Darby Strickland
Total Reads

“Where Life & Scripture Meet”
Downloads Per Episode

“Negative Emotions”
Total Listens
The School of Biblical Counseling
Courses Completed
New Students
“I’ve found CCEF’s classes to be deeply enriching, both for my own spiritual life and my counseling ministry. These classes have reminded me of the importance of effectively using God’s Word in counseling. I receive many requests from pastors in poorer, under-resourced churches, swamped by pastoral needs and the trauma and heartache of living in deeply dysfunctional contexts. My desire is to help them and other lay leaders access this material through Biblical Counseling Africa, because I believe that CCEF’s resources and classes have the potential to have a significant impact on our church and communities in South Africa.”
-Pastor in South Africa

“Modern Problems”
In-Person Attendees
Virtual Attendees

“Pastor Care”
“CCEF said they were going to try and address modern problems, and with wisdom and care they delivered! Some orientation marks were added to my compass and I know it will affect my own heart and the way I love and engage others.”
-Conference Attendee
“This conference reminded me of the toll 2020 has taken, and helped me see God and His care for me, and that I was not alone.”
-Conference Attendee
Counseling Ministries
“Counseling at CCEF helped me savor the greater manna of the gospel of Christ in my wilderness. Drawing upon the biblical themes of Exodus/Deliverance and Wilderness/Transition allowed me to turn my attention beyond my immediate cares to God’s perfect care for me. By God’s grace, I’m experiencing a sense of renewed purpose in this next chapter of life and ministry. Best of all, I’m experiencing the healing presence of Jesus through the discipline of increasingly looking away from myself and looking to the cross of Christ as the place to lay my burdens.”
Weekly Counseling Hours
Total Counseling Hours
Prayer Requests
We are so grateful for God’s work through biblical counseling and for his provision of finances, opportunities, and partners in this work. Thank you for joining us in the mission of restoring Christ to counseling and counseling to the church. Would you continue to pray for us?
- We want to serve the church as effectively as possible. Would you pray for wisdom as we evaluate how CCEF practically comes alongside local churches and how we can grow in this endeavor?
- We’re updating our School of Biblical Counseling certificates and the MAC with Westminster Theological Seminary to more effectively train God’s people in biblical counseling. We’re assessing, redesigning, and refilming classes. Would you pray for our staff and our students as we take on this initiative?
- Through online classes, resources, and conferences, the Lord has given us global opportunities to train and equip his people. Would you pray that our resources and training would bless more churches around the world?
Board Members

God’s Provision


Income | |
Income | $5,288,406 |
Expenses | $4,570,190 |
Change in Net Assets | $718,216 |

New Releases

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