Do memories of your past haunt you? Is there help for people who suffer because of their own past?

Most people who suffer from bad memories want them to disappear. Some want to deny the problem and “just forget the past.” Robert D. Jones shows that God provides a solution to the haunting problem of nagging bad memories.

What is God’s answer? If you belong to Jesus, God has something better for you, Jones writes. God does not want to remove your memories; he wants to transform them into something good. God is bigger than your past. Your memories of past sins—even the worst ones—can be opportunities for life-changing growth. You do not need to avoid, run from, or get rid of your past. Jones points out that painful thoughts may still intrude, but you need not escape them.

About the Author

Robert D. Jones, MDiv, DMin, was a pastor for twenty years and now serves as a biblical counseling professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and a visiting professor at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of the book Uprooting Anger; the minibooks Angry at God?ForgivenessBad MemoriesSingle Parents: Daily Grace for the Hardest Job; and Restoring Your Broken Marriage.

Book Details

32 pages
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Publication Year: 2004